“Çanakkale Zaferi” Anma Programız
18 Mart 2021
23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramını Coşkuyla Kutladık
23 Nisan 2021
Nowadays many people complain about climate change and environmental pollution but they don’t know how to fix our world or what to do. And now we will talk about what climate change is and what we must do about it and what we think about climate change and environmental pollution.
Firstly; What is climate change? Climate change is an increase in the temperature of our world which is caused by environmental pollution like factories, nuclear factories, exhaust gases from cars and although it might sound weird perfume gases have also an important effect on climate change. Scientists are mostly worried about climate change. They think about various solutions to overcome the problem. However, climate change is not only the scientists’ problem but it is also our problem. We are all responsible for the change. We should be careful about this issue and we must unite to save our world because if we don’t take care, our world will die. What does this mean? This means climate change is “not alone in this game” it brings with it many problems like water scarcity, water pollution, forest fire, migration, global warming, drought and etc.
Secondly; What do we have to do about it? Factories must use filters so that they don’t pollute the air. We can ride bicycles to prevent air pollution. We should start campaigns like “Don’t use plastic bottles! Collect trash!” We must introduce climate change all over the World. We should make people aware of the importance of this problem.
Thirdly; What do we think about climate change and environmental pollution? Our opinion is clear. We support all the opinions we’ve mentioned in our essay. We want to talk about the problems of climate change. Climate change brings with many problems as we said in our essay but we want to explain these problems to you. In our country, Turkey, 27% of the land consists of forests. However, oxygen manufacturers are disappearing quickly. In the last ten years, 66 thousand hectares died as a result of the forest fire. According to data, the average comes out as 2 thousand 338 forest fires each year Turkey. These forest fires come out by 12% due to lightning and 82% human activities in these areas. This is a scary data for our country. According to this data, it takes over 30 years before nature can renew itself what does it mean? This means we are a threat to nature, our forests and our seas. Moreover for now more than 5 trillion plastic and harmful waste are floating in our seas. Unfortunately, Turkey’s paradise coasts and beaches have turned into dump. We have wasted 6.9 billion plastics since 2015. 9% of these plastics are recycled, 12% of them are burned and 79% of them are environmental problems in nature and are waiting to be recycled. 700 types of marine creatures have already eaten these plastics and have been found like helpless. The most important reason for that is the use of plastic bags that are thrown into nature, so more than 40% of plastic are in nature and water resources. 161 million tons of these plastic consist of grocery bags and most of them are not recycled[1].
We produce and use plastic to live better but we do not think about our nature. We build power plants to improve, we take technology to the highest level but as we continue to do that, we destruct our nature. Above all, we turn our world to a graveyard because of pollution and climate change.
In conclusion, today being sensitive to the environment is our biggest responsibility towards our world. Everything’s going to keep being well, until it’s over. Therefore do not kill nature and the living beings in it! Climate change, forest fires, and water pollution are not a joke, they are all facts that we are facing, so we should become aware of the danger. We must take care as soon as possible because climate change and “its friends” are knocking our door…
Therefore don’t pollute beaches, marine animals are dying!
Do not slaughter the living creatures! You can’t live without them… For 80 million people don’t have to breathe poison anymore!
Protect it…!
Sude İpek BAŞAR
Hayri Görkem UZUN
[1]National Geographic, Planet or Plastic, June, 2018.